
24 Hours

I'm writing this early into this journey, not knowing fully what is going on, but feeling like I need a place to put down my thoughts. It's been 24 hours...okay, at this point 23, but I'm not trying to be technical. I'm just trying to breathe. Here's the back story... About a month ago, I came down with a cough. This cough came on the heels of a sinus infection that I think I picked up from two baack to back Florida trips. Coming home from warm Florida to cold Indiana, back to warm Florida and back to cold Indiana in the span of two weeks can be brutal. I don't usually think much of colds - it's part of the fringe benefits that come with hanging out with 700 high schoolers who have a tendency to not wash their hands. I can handle colds. I got that sinus infection out of the way, and then the cough showed up. As coughs are wont to do, it got steadily worse, and I decided after a week of it to call the doctor. After the first round of antibiotics I w